When you start noticing your trusty fishing boat looking a bit weathered, it may be time for some upgrades. Several areas on fishing boats often could use a little extra attention, including the deck, electronics, and paint. If you are uncertain about completing the upgrades on your own, you can visit us at Rockingham Boat. Our dealership, located in Hampstead, New Hampshire, is dedicated to offering the best service to Nashua and Manchester, New Hampshire. 

New Paint

Scratches and fading will not affect the performance of your fishing boat, but they will not make anyone envious of your vessel. Over time, many areas around your boat will begin to show more wear, like the cockpit, gunwales, and covering boards. Pick a paint created with extra durability. 

Bottom paint is perhaps the most important pain you need to refresh on an older fishing boat. The paint on the bottom that touches the water helps prevent barnacles and other organic sea debris from making a home on your boat. 

Better Electronics

A complete gutting of the electronics on your fishing boat is not ideal every year. But the longer you wait to update the electronics, the more behind your boat will be compared to newer models. Many exciting products hit the market every year, including more reliable charting software, night vision, superior radar, and more. Sometimes the best course of action to upgrade the helm is to start completely fresh with new equipment. We recommend picking out a plotter for your new helm and electronics set-up. You can take advantage of new features that make charting easier on board fishing boats. 

Overhaul the Deck

Fishing boat upgrades on deck are cosmetic changes similar to a fresh coat of paint. After time in the sun and exposure to water, a once beautiful deck can start looking unappealing. For teak, you can sometimes use a sander to return the boards to their former glory. A quicker option is to replace all of your deck boards completely. This upgrade may seem overwhelming, but it adds value to your fishing boat.

Outriggers and Aluminum Towers

Sports fishing boats may have old outriggers or aluminum tuna towers that you want to upgrade. Instead of replacing these expensive metal pieces, you can scrub them down. Use a soft brush to remove salt and then bronze wool for anything left. 

You can quickly fix up an older boat to make it shine again with a little bit of time and attention. Visit us at Rockingham Boat, and our staff members can show you our current inventory. Our dealership, located in Hampstead, New Hampshire, serving Manchester and Nashua, New Hampshire.